Advanced Identification of Wetlands (ADID)
What Does ADID Mean to You?
bird on tree twig

The ADID study will provide valuable information to advance the protection and restoration of wetlands in Kane County. It can also aid residents and organizations desiring to protect high quality resources or restore sites that have been degraded. It can inform landowners and developers about an appropriate course of action when they are considering disturbances in or adjacent to high quality sites.

There is sometimes confusion assoicated with an ADID designation. One misconception is that it "takes" land from private individuals for governmental purposes. Another misunderstanding is that ADID designation causes a regulatory prohibition of filling activities. In reality, ADID results are only advisory to the federal regulatory process. Designation as an ADID high quality habitat or high functional value wetland means that special scrutiny will be given to permit reviews. The Corps will generally require an individual permit which allows for public review and comment. High quality habitat sites are considered unmitigatable, though, and generally are determined to be unsuitable for filling activities. While some modification of high functional value sites may be allowed, special mitigation will be necessary to protect critical water quality and stormwater storage functions.